Examples of manuscripts in preparation
de Koning, B.B., Weijers, R. & van der Schoot, M. (2024). Mental simulation of arithmetic word problems depends on the implied spatiality of numerical distance.
van der Schoot, M. & de Koning, B.B. (2024). Is there a difference between the effects of epistemic and pragmatic gestures on problem solver’s thinking?
van der Schoot, M. & de Koning, B.B. (2024). Learning how to read with your body: an embodiment-based approach of comprehension instruction.
Van der Schoot, M., Bos, L.T., Wassenburg, S.I., & de Koning, B.B. (2024). A situation model-based reading comprehension intervention: individual differences in training and transfer gains.
Simek, E., Rashid,. S., Friso-van den Bos, I., van der Schoot, M., Trundley, R., van Lieshout, E.C.D.M., & Xenidou-Dervou, I. (2024). The Effect of Problem Format on Children’s Word Problem-Solving Performance. Learning and Instruction. Submitted
van der Schoot, M. (2024). De waarde van de worsteling in tijden van AI. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 31-10-2024
van der Schoot, M. (2024). De verstoorde balans: DEEL 1. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 27-03-2024.
van der Schoot, M. (2024). De verstoorde balans: DEEL 2. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 05-04-2024.
van der Schoot, M. (2024). De verstoorde balans: DEEL 3. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 10-04-2024.
van der Schoot, M. & De Koning, B.B. (2023). Lezen met je lichaam. Didactief, Jaargang 53, nr. 6, juni 2023, 22-23. [korte versie]
van der Schoot, M. & De Koning, B.B. (2023). Lezen met je lichaam. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 22-06-2023. [lange versie]
de Koning, B.B., Boonen, A.J.H., Jongerling, J., van Wesel, F., & van der Schoot, M. (2022). Model Method Drawing acts as a double-edged sword for solving inconsistent word problems. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 111, 29-45..
de Koning, B.B., & van der Schoot, M. (2022). Gesturing the solution of a problem solving task can speed up subsequent performance. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 34, 939-946. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2022.2088762.
van der Schoot, M. & de Koning, B.B. (2022). De kracht van kennis. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 20-05-2022.
Almoghrabi, N., Franken, I.H.A., Mayer, B., van der Schoot, M., & Huijding, J. (2021). CBM-I training and its effect on interpretations of intent, facial expressions, attention and aggressive behavior. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 17, 2, 13 - 27.
Boerma, I., van der Wilt, F., Bouwer, R., van der Schoot, M. & van der Veen, C. (2021). Mind mapping during interactive book reading in early childhood classrooms: Does it support young children’s language abilities? Early Education and Development. DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2021.1929686
van der Schoot, M. & Sluijsmans, D. (2021). Het dichtgetimmerde curriculum: over de doorgeschoten verschuiving van inhoud naar vorm in het hoger onderwijs. | Opinie, 28 juli 2021.
van der Schoot, M. & Sluijsmans, D. (2021). Het dichtgetimmerde curriculum. Didactief Online. Gepubliceerd op 06-10-2021.
Wassenburg, S.I., de Koning, B.B., Bos, L.T., & van der Schoot, M. (2020). Inspecting a picture before reading affects attentional processing but not comprehension. Educational Psychology, 40, 1, 4 - 21. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2019.1645306
van der Schoot, M. (2020). Een scriptiebeoordeling past niet in een schema. | Opinie, 11 februari 2020.
Van der Schoot, M. (2020). Een onderwijsevaluatie past niet in een vragenlijst. | Opinie, 10 juni 2020.
de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2019). Can “You” Make a Difference? Investigating Whether Perspective-taking Improves Performance on Inconsistent Mathematical Word Problems. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33, 911-917. DOI: 10.1002/acp.2555
Van der Schoot, M. & De Koning, B.B. (2019). Leren lezen met je lichaam. Artikel opgenomen in de congresbundel van het Wetenschappelijk Congres ‘Lekker lezen: over het belang van leesmotivatie’ van Stichting Lezen, p. 233-242, Driebergen.
Wassenburg, S.I., de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2018). In which direction to move? Facilitatory and interfering effects of gestures on problem solver’s thinking. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30, 3, 307-313.
Laue, C., Griffey, M., Lin, P-I., Wallace, K., van der Schoot, M., Horn, P., Pedapati, E., Barzman, D. (2018). Eye Gaze Patterns Associated with Aggressive Tendencies in Adolescence. Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 2018, pp. 1-10.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., van Luit, J.E.H., Kroesbergen, E.H., Friso-van den Bos, I., Jonkman, L.M., van der Schoot, M. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2018). Developing Mathematics Achievement: Symbolic Approximate Arithmetic Predicts Children’s Individual Growth Rates. Developmental Science, 21, 6, 1-14.
Van der Schoot, M., Wassenburg. S.I., Bos, L.T., de Koning, B.B. (2017). Leren lezen wat er tussen de regels staat. Tijdschrift Taal, 8, 12, 48-53.
de Koning, B.B., Wassenburg, S.I., Bos, L.T., & van der Schoot, M. (2017). Mental simulation of four visual object properties: differences as assessed by the Sentence-Picture Verification paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29, 4, 420-432.
Wassenburg, S.I., Bos, L.T., de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2017). Leesbegrip: wat klopt er niet? JSW–Jeugd in School en Wereld, 6, 6-9.
de Koning, B.B., Boonen, A.J.H., & van der Schoot, M. (2017). The consistency effect in word problem solving is effectively reduced through verbal instruction. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, 121-129.
Van der Wilt, F.M., van Kruistrum, C.J., van der Schoot, M., & van der Veen, C. (2017). Mindmap van Prentenboek. Didaktief, 47, 9, p.43.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., Molenaar, D., Ansari, D., van der Schoot, M., & van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2017). Nonsymbolic and symbolic magnitude comparison skills as longitudinal predictors of mathematical achievement. Learning and Instruction, 50, 1-13.
De Koning, B.B., Bos. L.T., Wassenburg, S.I. & van der Schoot, M. (2017). Popcorn proeven terwijl je leest. Didactief, mei 2017, p. 21.
Wassenburg, S. I., De Koning, B. B., De Vries, M., Boonstra, A. M., & van der Schoot, M. (2017). Gender differences in mental simulation during sentence and word processing. Journal of Research in Reading, 40, 3, 274-296.
De Koning, B.B., Bos, L.T., Wassenburg, S.I., & van der Schoot, M. (2017). The effects of a reading strategy training aimed at improving mental simulation in primary school children. Educational Psychology Review, 29, 869-889.
De Koning, B.B., Bos. L.T., Wassenburg, S.I. & van der Schoot, M. (2017). Size does matter! The implied object size is represented during language comprehension. Discourse Processes, 54, 7, 493-503.
Bos, L.T., de Koning, B.B., Wassenburg, S.I., & van der Schoot, M. (2017). Visualiseer wat je leest: “Hé, zo vind ik lezen opeens leuk”. VeerKracht, 14, 1, 4-7.
Wassenburg, S.I., De Koning, B.B., de Vries, M.H., & van der Schoot, M. (2016). Does the component processes task assess text-based inferences important for reading comprehension? A path analysis in primary school children. Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology, 7: 895, 1 - 8.
Bos, L.T., Wassenburg, S.I., de Koning, B.B., & van der Schoot, M. (2016). Training inference making skills using a situation model approach improves reading comprehension. Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology, 7: 116, 1 - 13.
Bos, L.T., de Koning, B.B., Wassenburg, S.I., & van der Schoot, M. (2016). Stel je eens voor.... Didactief, oktober 2016, 50-51.
Boonen, A.J.H., de Koning, B.B., Jolles, J. & van der Schoot, M. (2016). Word problem solving in contemporary math education: A plea for reading comprehension skills training. Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology, 7: 191, 1 - 10.
Friso-van den Bos, I., Kroesbergen, E.H., Van Luit, J.E.H, Xenidou-Dervou, I., Jonkman, L.M., van der Schoot, M., & van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2015). Longitudinal Development of Number Line Estimation and Mathematics Performance in Primary School Children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 134, 12-29.
Wassenburg, S.I., Beker, K., van den Broek, P.W. & van der Schoot, M. (2015). Children’s comprehension monitoring of multiple situational dimensions of a narrative. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 28, 1203-1232.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., Gilmore, C. van der Schoot, M. & van Lieshout, E. C. D. M. (2015). The developmental onset of symbolic approximation: Beyond nonsymbolic representations, the language of numbers matters. Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology, 6: 487, 1-13.
Wassenburg, S.I., Bos, L.T., de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2015). Effects of an inconsistency-detection training aimed at improving comprehension monitoring in primary school children. Discourse Processes, 52, 463-488.
Friso-van den Bos, I., Van Luit, J.E.H, Kroesbergen, E.H., Xenidou-Dervou, I., van Lieshout, E.C.D.M., van der Schoot, M., & Jonkman, L.M. (2015). Pathways of number line development in children: Predictors and risk for adverse mathematical outcome. Zeitschrift für Psychologie 223, 2, 120-128.
Bos, L.T., Boonstra, A.M., van Wesel, F., de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2015). What can measures of text comprehension tell us about text production? Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 28, 829-849.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., van der Schoot, M. & van Lieshout, E. C. D. M. (2015). Working memory and number line representations in single-digit addition: approximate versus exact, nonsymbolic versus symbolic. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 6, 1148-1167.
De Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2014). Hoe zie jij het voor je? Een kritische blik op de hedendaagse onderwijspraktijk van begrijpend lezen. Pedagogische Studiën, 91(6), 422-430.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., van Lieshout, E. C. D. M., & van der Schoot, M. (2014). Working memory in nonsymbolic approximate arithmetic processing: A dual-task study with preschoolers. Cognitive Science, 38, 101-127.
Boonen, A.J.H., van Wesel, F., Jolles, J. & van der Schoot, M. (2014). The role of visual representation type, spatial ability and reading comprehension in word problem solving: An item-level analysis in primary school children. International Journal of Educational Research, 68, 15 – 26.
Bos, L.T., de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2014). Lezen op school of thuis. Didaktief, 44, 3, 47-48.
Xenidou-Dervou, I., De Smedt, B., van der Schoot, M., & van Lieshout, E. C. D. M. (2013). Individual differences in kindergarten math achievement: the integrative roles of approximation skills and working memory. Learning and Individual Differences, 28, 119-129.
Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2013). Becoming part of the story! Refueling the interest in visualization strategies for reading comprehension. Educational Psychology Review, 25, 261-287.
Boonen, A.J.H., van der Schoot, M, van Wesel, F., de Vries, M.H. & Jolles, J. (2013). What underlies successful word problem solving? A path analysis in sixth grade students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 271-279.
Bos, L.T., Boerma, I., de Koning, B.B. & van der Schoot, M. (2013). Maak van lezen een belevenis. Didaktief, 43, 1, nr. 1-2, 56-57.
Van der Schoot, M., Reijntjes, A. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2012). How do children deal with inconsistencies in text? An eye fixation and self-paced reading study in primary school children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25, 7, 1665-1690.
Reijntjes, A., Thomaes, S., Orobio de Castro, B., Van der Schoot, M. & Telch, M.J. (2011). Delighted when others like them, to pieces when they do not: Children’s social anxiety potentiates the linkage between self- and other-evaluations. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52, 774-781.
Reijntjes, A., Kamphuis, J.H., Prinzie, P., Boelen, P.A., Van der Schoot, M. & Telch, M.J. (2011). Prospective linkages between peer victimization and externalizing problems in children: A meta-analysis. Aggressive Behavior, 37, 215-222.
Van der Schoot, M. (2011). “De vegetariër genoot van een hamburger”: Begripscontrole bij goede en zwakke begrijpend lezers in het basisonderwijs. De Psycholoog, 46, 5, 38-47.
Van der Schoot, M., Bakker Arkema, A. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2011). Verhaalsommen oplossen: Zit de moeilijkheid in het verhaal of de som? Panama-Post ‘Reken-wiskundeonderwijs: onderzoek, ontwikkeling, praktijk’, 30, 1, 36-41.
Van der Schoot, M., Horsley, T.M. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2010). The effects of instruction on situation model construction: An eye fixation study on text comprehension in primary school children. Educational Psychology, 30, 817-835.
Horsley, T., Orobio de Castro, B., & Van der Schoot, M. (2010). In the eye of the beholder: Eye-tracking assessment of social information processing in aggressive behavior. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 587-599.
Van der Schoot, M., Vasbinder, A.L., Horsley, T.M., Reijntjes, A. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2009). Lexical ambiguity resolution in good and poor comprehenders: An eye fixation and self-paced reading study in primary school children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 21-36.
Van der Schoot, M., Bakker Arkema, A.H., Horsley, T.M. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2009). The consistency effect depends on markedness in less successful but not successful problem solvers: An eye fixation study in primary school children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34, 58-66.
Van der Schoot, M. (2008). Zij fotografeerde de school toen de vissen vlak langs zwommen: Lexicale ambiguiteitsresolutie bij kinderen. De Psycholoog, 12, 670-675.
Van der Schoot, M., Vasbinder, A.L., Horsley, T.M. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2008). The role of two reading strategies in text comprehension: An eye fixation study in primary school children. Journal of Research in Reading, 31, 2, 203 - 223.
Van der Schoot, M., Vasbinder, A.L., Horsley, T.M. & Van Lieshout, E. C. D. M. (2007). Leesstrategiegebruik bij goede en zwakke begrijpende lezers: Onderzoek met oogfixatiemetingen. In A. Vyt, M.A.G. van Aken, J. Bijstra, P.P.M. Leseman & B. Maes (Red.), Jaarboek Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Orthopedagogiek en Kinderpsychiatrie 2007/2008, pp. 61 – 80.
Horsley, T.M. & Van der Schoot, M. (2006). De ene dyslecticus is de andere niet: Neurocognitief bewijs voor heterogeniteit [Not all dyslectics are created equal: neurocognitive evidence]. Neuropraxis, 3, 72 – 76.
Van der Schoot, M., Licht, R., Horsley, T.M. & Sergeant, J.A. (2005). Effects of stop signal modality, stop signal intensity and tracking method on inhibitory performance as determined by use of the stop signal paradigm. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 46, 331 – 341.
Van der Schoot, M., Licht, R., Horsley, T.M., Aarts, L.T. & Van Koert, B. & Sergeant, J.A. (2004). Inhibitory control during sentence reading in dyslexic children. Child Neuropsychology, 10, 3, 173 – 188.
Van der Schoot, M., Licht, R., Horsley, T.M. & Sergeant, J.A. (2004). Een olifank is geen dier: de neurocognitieve basis van een impulsieve leesstijl [An elephank is not an animal: The neurocognitive basis of an impulsive reading style]. De Psycholoog, 39, 6, 302 – 306.
Van der Schoot, M., Licht, R., Horsley, T.M. & Sergeant, J.A. (2003). Hemispheric differences in stop task performance. Acta Psychologica, 112, 279 – 295.
Van der Schoot, M., Smulders, F.T.Y. & Kok, A. (2003). Effects of design type on stimulus evaluation: combining underadditive effects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 45 – 56.
Van der Schoot, M., Licht, R., Horsley, T.M. & Sergeant, J.A. (2002). Fronto-central dysfunctions in reading disability depend on sub-type: guessers but not spellers. Developmental Neuropsychology, 22, 3, 533 – 564.
Van der Schoot, M. (2001). Dyslexia and Inhibition: A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Examination. PhD Thesis. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit (ISBN: 90-9015166-4).
Van der Schoot, M., Licht, R., Sergeant, J.A. & Horsley, T.M. (2000). Inhibitory deficits in reading disability depend on sub-type: guessers but not spellers. Child Neuropsychology, 6, 4, 297 – 312.
Van der Schoot, M. (1999). Localization of brain sources of evoked responses: How to determine the number of active sources? Technical Report. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Neuropsychology. [Research supported by grant of NWO/PSYCHON, grant number: 575-63-082D].
De Ruiter, M., Kok, A. & Van der Schoot, M. (1998). Effects of inter- and intramodal selective attention to non-spatial visual stimuli. Biological Psychology, 49, 269 – 294.